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Articles Posted in California Law


California Adopts the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018 – What you need to know

It didn’t take long. On June 28, 2018, just more than a month after the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation went into effect, imposing broad obligations and restrictions on any entity collecting personal information of EU citizens and residents, the California legislature has passed AB 375, and the governor has…


AB 2828 – California Updates its Breach Disclosure Law

California adopted the first data breach notification law in the nation in 2002, and has consistently worked to ensure that its law remains at the forefront of data security laws in the United States.  California burnished this reputation on September 13, 2016, when Governor Jerry Brown signed AB 2828, sponsored…


The California Electronic Communications Privacy Act – California Takes the Lead on Digital Privacy in the U.S. (Daily Journal)

California, home of many of the world’s largest technology companies, has long been at the forefront of protecting personal electronic information in the United States. California adopted the nation’s first data breach notification law, led the nation in requiring website privacy statements, and actively enforces online privacy. On October 6,…


Client Alert – California’s Do Not Track Amendments

Effective January 1, 2014, amendments to the California Online Privacy Protection Act (“CalOPPA”) require all commercial websites and online services that collect personally identifiable information (“PII”) to include additional disclosures in their privacy statements: how the operator responds to browser “Do Not Track” signals or other similar mechanisms; and whether…


California Proposition Would Expand Duties and Liabilities for Collecting Personal Information

On September 26, 2013, the California Secretary of State allowed proponents of a new ballot proposition to collect signatures for the “Personal Privacy Protection Act.” The Act, if approved, would radically change the privacy landscape in California by adding new provisions to the California Constitution. Most importantly, the Act (1)…


Privacy on the Move – California Imposes New Requirements on Mobile Apps

A vast array of companies are actively entering the mobile application space as a means of gaining market share and solidifying guest relations. The trend is not limited to online service companies; firms as disparate as shopping centers, airlines, and travel agents rely on mobile applications to enhance their business.…


CLIENT ALERT: California Supreme Court Rules That ZIP Codes Are Personal Identification Information

On February 10, 2011, the California Supreme Court held in Pineda v. Williams Sonoma that ZIP codes are considered “personal identification information” under the Song-Beverly Credit Card Act, California Civil Code § 1747 et seq. (the “Act”). As previously discussed in our January and March 2009 client alerts, the Act…

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